
Friday, May 26, 2023


How does one grow a scrappy grove of birch trees?

It’s fairly easy and a wonderful way to use scraps!
I decided to use my tiny Charley Harper scraps.
I added in other scraps that read as solids and
Played will with the CH fabric colors. 
After making 3 larger quilts with his fabric…
I had plenty!

Maybe I didn’t need the pattern and could have emulated the design but
Supporting our designers is sew important. 
I love Amy Smart’s patterns and a fun fav is
“Birch Trees”

You can find her pattern here 

Sew at quilt retreat last year I made one test block.
The hard part is deciding where to randomly make the vertical cuts
As the scrap steps are inserted kind wonky.  Couple tips…
TIP #1 don’t get too close to left and relight edges for making cuts
TIP #2 make the background color squares larger than pattern says
and trim to size once all blocks are made. 

The left and right side cuts should have been closer to middle strip.
I don’t have much seam allowances as shown in this picture. 
Keep that in mind when cutting your vertical angles.

I decided to use various solid FQs for backgrounds.
Plenty to choose from in my stash. 

The key to scrappy is STOP being a control freak.
I tried to use various size pieces in the strips (trunks).
Try NOT to use the same scrap more than once in each strip (trunk).
Mx it up..and remember strips (trunks) can go be flipped vertically
when designing the layouts for each block. 
You will make your strips (trunks) using all kinda size scraps
THEN trim into straight strips (trunks)!  

Once I had enough strips (and I made extras…
I grouped strips (trunks) together.
Be sure to mix these up by prints and width sizes. 
As I built my blocks..I did switch a few strips (trunks) around.
That’s the fun of designing with scraps. 

Once all blocks were complete 
I trimmed all to same size and 
Placed on design wall to determine 
background color placement.

Then sew, sew, sew.
I decided 12 blocks was plenty, 
but the pattern offers several sizes!

This can be a small lapsize, a nice baby/toddler size
OR a wall hanging. 

And the top is complete. 

I made a backing using GRUNGE
I will quilt this in my Bernina 740. 
That will happen this summer.

I love my Charley Harper scrap birch trees.
Now go find some scraps…I know you have them,
 and grow your own birch trees! 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


NOT everything is a PICNIC
But February 2023 found Kim Hensley and I leading a 
PICNIN QUILT SewAlong over on Instagram.

This pattern by Sew Mama Sew is EPIC!
It's ONE block, built with several units, repeated over and over!
Many sizes and many fabric options.

When I saw this Christmas s version I absolutely LOVED it!
I had lots of big Christmas Scraps that could work for it!
Now Kim, found the fabrics here and bought them.
AND she is making 2 for the SewAlong.

I pulled my Basic Grey  Hustle and Bustle scraps!
And found a couple others to add into the Christmas mix!

Cut and stay organized!

I made two test blocks.
Left side was put together as the pattern suggested.
Right block was more choice.
The only fabric I kept the same
was the green dot.

Lots of chain piecing and this went together very fast.

I laid it all out on the floor.
I am loving this scrappy look!

And the flimsy is complete!

Backing, binding and batting all ready for longarmer...
who happens to be Kim!

all finished!