
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Decking My Halls with a Southwest Flair

Day 2
"Decking My Halls"

When Phil and I first built our home in 1999 
we really enjoyed the Southwest design style.
So, a few holiday ideas brought to you from the desert!

A different year...a different southwest mantel.
The tile picture is from Mexico.

Then the southwest moved to top of my china cabinet 
in the dining room and I added adobe houses.
Move decorations around, switch out a few things
and get a new look and feel. 

Here a beautiful Southwest picture hangs
over the dining room sideboard.
It's fun to replace a wall picture with something
that goes with your decorating theme!

A prize possession is my porcelain, suntan Santa
BFF, Shirley, made for me (from kiln to clothes) 
Santa always has a special place at Christmas.
Santa sits in front of my quilt...
"A Holiday Chorus" 

Where do you live and do you bring that area's style
into your Holiday Decorating?


  1. Beautiful Kathy! I love your decorating style and want to thank you for sharing it. I have a collection of snowmen decorations and white snowflake ornaments & trims that I leave out all winter since I live in Minnesota.

  2. Love it all. How wonderful to have that hand-made Santa from your friend. Well, we just moved to Colorado from long years in Florida, so the bits of flamingo Christmas we mixed with traditional Christmas will look a little out of place here. ;D

  3. Wonderfu.Love your decoration.This year we haven`t decide what to put but sure as every year, our traditional tree and adoration.

    Have a wonderful week!


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