
Tuesday, January 29, 2013


This post is just a bit different from most in the
 Dresden Hop and you won't want to miss my story below.

First,  I must thank Madman Samm 
at Sew we Quilt for allowing me to post what
I'm going to show you today and to Christine 
over at Quilt Monster in My Closet for hosting.


I like to yard sale and usually I never find much.  
I'm always hoping to find old sewing items.  

At a yard sale a couple years ago
I found a box of old fabrics and 
began to dig around in it.  

Could it wait... is....
Stay Calm
don't look excited....breathe deep.
 I found some unfinished blocks.
Stay Calm
Fabric looks like feed sacks...
I'm pretty sure it is.  
Dig deeper.
Stay Calm
Hands are shaking..heart pounding
Stay Calm
12 hand pieced 
"Dresden Plates" 
Stay Calm 
"How much for this box of old fabric?"  
Stay Calm 

I almost Peed my Pants!

So although I didn't make these 12 Dresdens,
I am guessing were made in the 40s...
from feed sacks and clothing.
I wanted to share them with you!

LOOK at these TEENY, TINY, hand stitches 

My Dresdens in a Box!

Isn't it great that both young and old,
both Traditional and Modern quilters
can ALL enjoy such a block with roots that are so deep!
"What goes around comes around" was never more
true than with this quilt block design.  

Keep you eyes wide open and dare to dig around
for Dresdens and other antique Kwilty Pleasures!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


I have just enjoyed my first Friday Nite Sew In!
I had no idea what FNSI when I saw it on
 "Handmade by Heidi" blog.
What a fun idea...a big thanks to Heidi
for organizing!

First UFO was to finish this quilt top.

Then I began making a diaper bag for a little boy using 
the Chubby Charmer pattern

Isn't this giraffe fabric just the cutest!

Then I had a toddler quilt - pinned and ready to quilt

Quilted - Front View

Backing...I love the freedom of Modern design!

Close up of the meander quilt design using a soft gray thread.

And a dark gray for the border.  
Will sew binding on later today 
and DONE!

I am happy I found the FNSI  !!!
I hope you have enjoyed my projects.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

PJs, Wine and What?

Sew, of course, I have found yet more trouble to get into!

Handmade by Heidi

It's Friday, Jan 25th and I'll give it a try.  
Maybe you will too!

Handmade by Heidi Blog has participants,
from all over the world, that now includes me.
Click here for more info.

I have plenty of projects I can choose from...
But the BIG decision will be "red" or "white" wine?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Snippet - The Moral of my UFO Story

We call those unfinished sewing projects, many things.
Some of which I cannot print here!  (wink)

I call them UFO's (unfinished objects)
Some call them WIPs (works in progress)  
I have even heard them referred to as 
PIGS (Projects in grocery sacks).

Well I "might" hold a record here for the time 
(5 years)
it took to finish a UFO.  
This quilt was made from 
Louisa Smith's "Strips and Curves" book
and templates.

The first delay was my fear to 
 "sew" the curves.  We were shown "how to"
in the class but by the time I got to it..well...
you know how that goes.

But I finally said more "unprintable words" 
jumped in and made the blocks in Fall of 2011
then finished the top in Jan 2012.

Then came the to machine quilt it? 
I don't want any traditional quilting design
and I want to quilt it myself.

So, I drug my feet for another year. 
Then I was introduced to MODERN quilting designs
and I found my way across the top of the quilt 

Concentric Circles took a lot of time
but were oh so worth it!

Free motion design between the circles

A view of the backing

The soft inner border gives the eyes a place to rest.
I sewed one straight line vertically down that border.
A keyboard border is made form all the strata scraps.
I quilted one vertical line down that border.
The outside border was a sold batik and 
I quilted organic vertical lines using the edge of 
my walking foot as the guide.

and views of the finished quilt.

The moral of my UFO story is...
don't fret over your UFOs.  
When you are ready to finish your project 
you will know it.  
 Don't worry about it...
just wait til you feel the creativity.  
Sometimes that can take years. 

I can't come up with a name for this one,
any suggestions?

"Once in a Blue Moon" 
winning title

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I received 194 comments on my post for the
"In Your Words" Blog Hop.
Thanks to "everyone" who took the time
to leave me your kind WORDS!
They mean so much to me!

The Random Number Generator selected  #57 
 that belongs to....Bonnie58

57. Bonnie58 said...

I am a new follower. Love the stitching. 
Thanks for sharing

Bonnie, I have sent you an email for a mailing address 
so I can send you this batik jelly roll!

Til next time I hope all you are enjoying your own
Kwilty Pleasures!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


THEN...check this out!

  Angela over at So Scrappy is hosting
 a 2013 Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 
Check out her MisterLinky Party on
Scrappy Saturdays to see
what others scrappers are working on!

It's a  fun way to use up those scraps 
you've been HOARDING
and make a rainbow scrap quilt.   

Having NEVER done this before I was a bit leery.  
But Angela assured me it is no pressure, no obligation, 
just lots of scrappy fun!

So here I go....
sorting my scraps!

All bagged and ready to do as soon as I figure out 
the design I want for my Rainbow Scrap Quilt!

Today, I emptied the "RED/PINK" bag.
I used everything except the very dark reds.

This scrap method has been called many things.
Mile a Minute, Crumbs Chaos..many things

I am working on a tutorial to show you
how I got this fun strip of "scraps?
It is so quick and easy!

The "R" (reds) of ROY G BIV

A Kwilty Pleasures Rainbow of fun!
What do you think?

Monday, January 7, 2013


This contest is now closed.   

I can be WORDY and today I get to be just that
for this "IN YOUR WORDS" blog hop. 
The WORDS in my projects will tell you
about me, but first, thanks to Linda over at 
Buzzing and Bumbling for
cheering us on with her WORDS
and of course to Madame Samm 
who is never without WORDS in our

Now, I'm about to get WORDY and you 
will know more about me when I shut up!

Living all my life in Ohio, I am a fanatic fan for
The Ohio State Buckeyes!!!
I made this fun little quilt to show some 
spirit..for those cold winter days!

Snowmen in red work standing under some 
Buckeye Trees are holding letters 
that spells it all out for Buckeye Fans
 O - H -I - O
A fun scarlet and gray border finishes it perfectly!
This OHIO Snowman pattern is by Debra at Life is a Stitch Blog
She has the pattern if you'd like to order one.

And some of my Buckeye Buddies are enjoying
their own celebration of the 
Buckeyes 12 - 0 season  in 20121

Here is a close up of my handiwork
I have made several of these as "gifts"
for Buckeye Fever friends.

I don't usually care for those WORD panels you see at 
quilt shows...however this one caught me eye beacause
it really does tell you a lot about ME!

I bought it to make a purse to take to my guild
meetings and FABRIC shopping!
I just added some fabric from my stash. 



WORDS about ME!!!

"Common Threads" is the name my local guild.
 And this is really the WORDS
 that caught my eye for the purchase.
I have been a member for 5 years, 
served on many committees and ran a couple challenges.
The last two years I served as 
Co-Vice Presedent, then Co-President.
I am about sharing the quilting obsession!

I wish I would have kept a list of ALL the quilt shops 
I have been in across the country.
My husband says... 
"OUR vacations are planned via QUIlT SHOP routes!"
He's drives me right to the door
of any quilt shop the GPS will find!

Just bring on the handcuffs....(wink)
It is criminal the amount of fabric I have in my stash!
5 bookcases, 5 shelves each are stuffed full!

hmmmm where are your friends
when you REALLY need them?
Probably ripping out their own mistakes!


I love to shop...and fabric is my BIGGEST weakness.
As I continue to purchase more and more fabric
I don't need....I just tell everyone 
It is a "retirement" investment. 

And because you hopped over today...
I have a WORD you will ENJOY

40 + 2 1/2" batik strips

Anyone can win!!!
"Follow me"  and leave me some
to tell me what you enjoy about 
my Kwitly Pleasures blog!

Giveaway will close on January 16th at 5:00 p.m.

It's only WORDS but
 WORDS are what the bloggers have today
to take your hearts away...

Monday, January 7

Kwilty Pleasures (that's me)
Sew Darn Quilt (Carolyn R.)
Traveling Quilter (Debbie A.)
Just Let Me Quilt (Carol S.)
Vroomans Quilts (Sharon V.)
Cate's Linens (Catherine R.)

Each day Madm Samm's will have some top picks of the day
and you will have additional chances to win prizes.