
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Grandma's Stitches" Comes Home...

Last Sunday, angels reached down from heaven and delivered 
a Lonestar (family heirloom) kwilt to me.

Take a deep breath!!!!

Grandma's Stitches

Just look at the piecing, the perfect points
and the hand kwilting!  

Solid colors....what goes around does come around!  
Modern..nope this is an antique!!!

The backing is all white cotton

I never knew these "grandmas" but 
have heard many stories about them.  
I now have pieces of them in my hands. 
The label will read...

"Grandma's Stitches"
was hand pieced and hand quilted
in the late 20s to early 30s 
by my husband's (Phil Gordon)
Great-Grandma Lottie Gregg 
and Grandma Cora Stuckey who lived in Ohio.
Grandma Stuckey passed it down to 
Phil's mother, Geraldine Gordon.
Gary Gordon, Geraldines oldest son
inherited it and had it for 40 years  

Because of Kathy Gordon's love for quilts....
Gary gave it to Phil and Kathy.
"Grandma's Stitches" came home June, 2013.  

Grandma's Stitches


  1. Oh my word. That is absolutely stunning. You lucky duck to have inherited such a beautiful piece of quilting history.

  2. What a wonderful heirloom...this quilt has found a perfect home!

  3. Oh this is just beautiful. It brought tears of happiness! Almost an antique in just a few more years.

  4. Beautiful! What a wonderful piece to have!

  5. The quilt is beautiful. What's old is new again. It really does look like a modern quilt.

  6. Stunning. How fortunate you are to have received that beauty.

  7. How wonderful for you. That's one of the reasons I quilt, I always wanted to have a quilt that was handed down thru the family.

  8. What a treasure! I'll bet it feels as good as it looks too.

  9. Gasp!!! Gorgeous!! Thanks for directing me over to have a look. Been too busy to blog surf much, and this shows me what I've been missing!! That is so amazing. I love that it's come to live with you. I just love old quilts, and how much of what is considered modern quilting today was actually done by our ancestors who came before us. *swoon* The points and quilting are show-stopping!

  10. Heaven has a couple of happy grandmas smiling down to see their treasure find a perfect home and a blog post too! They never saw that coming! That is sew very special!

  11. Just stunning. What skill she had!

  12. A beautiful quilt. Love the solids and the exquisite piecing! You are spot on with the term Modern. Who says it's not? "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9

    Thanks for sharing this post. Loved seeing that family heirloom quilt!



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