
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

HEXIES...then and now!

Hexagon:  In geometry, a hexagon is a polygon with six edges
...blah blah...blah...

I never liked math...or geometry for that matter
but I'm glad the kwilting world
has found a formula for enjoying this little six-sided shape.

have been around a loooooong time
Here's a "grandmothers flower garden block" I made
20 years ugly is this fabric!?!
AND I didn't know much about the kwilting processes.
however, I surprised myself when revisiting this
block...I actually did some fussy cutting for
the inner hexies!    

Today, the Modern Quilt Movement has taken this shape
by storm and they are showing up everywhere!

I wasn't sure what to make, so I began by making these hexies...
from a flowery charm pack I had on hand. 

And layered them on top of a 
mossy green Connecting Threads fabric, batting and a backing. 

Kwilted around the edges of each hexy...

  • Did some "echo" kwilting around the BIG HEX!
    (thank goodness my kwilting skills have improved)

    Flip it over and just look at the fun kwilting design.

    I still wasn't sure what I wanted this project to be....
     After asking a few kwilting friends what they saw in this design
    ...the answer was unanimous

    A PILLOW ! ! !

    I added a yellow flange, more of the green fabric 
    for the backing, stuffed it and sewed it up.  
    Looks great on my deck!
    Guess I need to make some more!  

     View good view of the flange!

    Come sit down...

    Make sure you stop to see the other bloggers today
    and see what the hex they have made!

    Wednesday, August 28

  •  Thanks to Madam Samm (Sew We Quilt) and 
    Debby (Debby Kratovil Quilts) 
    for helping us get our hex on!

    Sunday, August 25, 2013


    This tutorial will show you how to rotary cut
    without using the lined side of a cutting mat.

    Having trouble getting the long "rotary" cuts straight?
    Try flipping over the cutting mat!
    Let the "ruler" lines be the cutting guides.    

    Photos and instructions here are for a right hand cutting.
    Some tips first...

    Always press your fabrics with a starch.
    A crisp fabric is less likely to shift while cutting. 

    Use some type of marking tape on the ruler
    to mark the ruler lines.  I love these!!!
    They peel and stick easily for re-use.

    I prefer OMNI-GRIP rulers or CREATIVE GRIDS as my
    personal choice.  I use these on the rulers I have that do slip.  
    (not being paid for advertising anything in this post)

    25 Clear Fabric Grabbers with adhesive

    Hold the ruler using good pressure from your FINGER TIPS. 
    Keep the palm of your hand OFF THE MAT!

    Some folks use a cutting glove that will protect the ruler hand...
    should the rotary cutter slip.  Just always cut slowly, regardless. 


    Line up fabric selvedge edges together at the top
    fold is at the bottom.

    Place the ruler on top of the fabric fold
    The stick on tape highlights the
    line that you need along the fold

    Trim off the right edge of the fabric
    (close that rotary blade whenever you finish a cut)

    FLIP the fabric so the straight cut is now 
    on the left side of the ruler
    The uncut piece is out to the right of the ruler.  

    I used TWO pieces of  sticky tape to mark the ruler lines  
    In this picture at the  2 1/2" vertical line
    AND along the bottom of the ruler at the fabric fold.

     Check your measurement and cut slowly 
     STOP if you need to move your hand
    up the ruler to continue the cut!


    Remove the ruler and there is the cut piece
    ALWAYS close the blade of your rotary cutter 
    to avoid accidental bodily harm!

    Unfold the waves...straight piece

    Repeat the process for as many strips as needed.

    If you need a larger piece cut
    re-align the ruler....and begin again
    (this is a 5" cut)

     Straight again!

    Its that easy! and accurate!

    Not using the lines on the cutting mat may seem weird at first.  
    Give it a try...use some old fabrics and practice
    til you get the feel of it.

    Friday, August 23, 2013


     My first QAL is done.  I stuck to the weekly schedule
    and it was a breeze.  The hard part what getting good photos

    I used some F8s of Moda's "Aspen Frost" 
    (instead of a charm pack) 
    Pulled the white, green, red from my stash. 

     The backing has 3 vertical strips...Red, green, red. 

    Kwilted on my Bernina, meander in the blocks and red border
    Straight line kwilting on the green border
    and a back and forth design on the white border/shashing

    and since it is a Holiday kwilt...
    I found an evergreen tree to display it.

    and here on my deck

    I am linking up today here at the Holiday Hustle Linky
    AND the links on my side bar for...

    today Sewing by Moonlight is host

    Have a great kwilty kinda weekend!

    Monday, August 19, 2013


    I have had a fun day of squishy packages delivered to my door.

     My first order from  Fort Worth Fabric StudiO arrived!
    Luvin' this gray and orange FQ bundle.
      I pulled some solids from my stash to go with them.

    I want some orange sherbet ice cream..right now!

    Last month I entered my "first" blog swap, which was
    Sweet Pouch Swap 2
     hosted by Alyce, over at Blossom Heart Quilts 

    Today, I received my pouch from my swap partner
    Teresa, at Aurea's Kitchen 
    ...all the way from SPAIN!

    Teresa picked up on my love of scarlet and gray
    The Ohio State Buckeyes Football team colors!  
    Also, that I love flowers and modern designs.

    She also picked up on my sweet tooth....Lots of chocolate!   
    Not sure how she got all this sweetness packed into the pouch!

    Half square triangles on this side of the bag
    Love the little loop and ring for keys!

    And hexies on this side of the bag!

    OWLS, love them, peek out from inside of the pouch!

    Here is the pouch I sent Teresa
    and it was full of fun treasures.

    AND, I just signed up yesterday for my next swap
    with Martha over at (Bloom where I am Planted)

    I really love Halloween fabrics so making items for 
    my "Secret Pal" will be creepy, wicked and perhaps GHASTLY!

    What a great MONDAY!     

    Friday, August 16, 2013


    My back yard backs up to WOODLANDS


     WOODLAND by Lecien fabric jumped right into my
    hands...and when all was pieced
    I kwilted it on my BFFs longarm. 

    G-A-M-M-I-L-L spells happiness!

    Perfect 10 by Swirly Girl Designs Pattern
    WOODLAND FQs and some solids from my stash.
    I am lovin this color combo!

     Gray thread to meander and a back and forth design. 
    Some straight line outlining in the gold fabric frames.  

    "Shut the front door"  

    I think it looks pretty good!

     BACK DOOR really shows off the kwilting designs!  

     WOODLAND BABY is listed in my Etsy shop now.

    Do you have a favorite "go to" pattern for baby kwilts?

    Linking up today at:
    TGIFF hosted today by Amy's Crafty Shenanigans 
    Can I get a Whoop Whoop

    Monday, August 12, 2013


    Congrats to  Pattij in Vancouver, Washington who won 
    the "Over the Edge" giveaway in the HO HO HO Hop.

    A huge thank you to everyone who left me a comment
    and I truly hope Santa brings you the goods!


    I am doin the Holiday Hustle QAL 
     Fabrics from my stash that include
    Aspen Frost!

    TOP DONE! Half way there!

    Linking up the Holiday Hustle to
    WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced! 

    BFF Shirley, is coming in on Friday, 
    sew we will have lots of fun!
    You can be sure