
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Do you or anyone you know have 
 any of this orange background Ghastlies fabric?

Would you be willing to part with it?
Will pay (including shipping costs) 
or swap fabric for it
or make a tote bag for it
...let's talk!!!

This color wave came out a few years ago.
I really need this piece but I know 
there are coordinates of cats, bats, and others
that I am searching for as well.  

My Ghastlie heart will sing SCREAM with joy
if I can find this FABRIC!


  1. sorry can`t help with this one Kathy but what a great fabric, can see why you want it.

  2. The last time I was at Mill Outlet in Colorado Springs they had many different bolts of this line in several colorways. They even had Sebastian on orange. Mill Outlet is a 1st quality shop even though it has 'outlet' in the name. Whenever I'm looking for novelty fabric; this is where I go. Bonnie
    Address: 2906 N Prospect St, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
    Phone:(719) 632-6296

  3. I made a quilt with both the grey and the orange of this and some of the other fabrics in the same line. I'll look and see what I may have stashed away.

  4. I am sorry I do not have any of this fabric line to give to you. I hope you find some. Creative Bliss...


    Fabric fascinations may have som


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