
Tuesday, April 22, 2014


No fabric's all about SPRING in my garden.  
 For those of you who like to play and create outside 
come on . . . let's get dirty!

My BFF's hubby made me this birdhouse with materials 
from an old Nun's house that was torn down.   
An early birthday gift!
 I found the perfect spot for it...
Flowers will fill in later and color will pop!

I've been collecting kitchen items to use for Faerie Gardens.  
Hens and chicks work so well in these small gardens. 

A faerie whispered to me as I was drinking
Elderberry wine that she wants to live in this flour sifter.
 I gotta keep it...or she'll play tricks on me!
Flour sifter

Gifts for friends and garden tour hostesses!
Loaf pan



Black and white tin pan

 Just added these blue glass insulators to the birdbath
Mr. Robin isn't sure WHY they are in his bathtub!

 The deer think I'm running a salad bar 
so I dug up their lunch (hosta and day lilies) and re-potted
for an upcoming plant swap.  
Hope to swap them for less appetizing plants!

I hope your day is filled with sunshine and good dirt 
and have enjoyed a little bit of my "Eden".

As for me...
my rib hurts and I have an urge to find an apple!



  1. Your garden is glorious and I adore your fairy plantings. How fun to repurpose kitchen essentials. Yes, the deer killed my hostas. I have since planted a few new ones in a protected area. Creative Spring Bliss...

  2. Love your fairy arrangement's. Those deer are so darn pesky. And I have destructive squirrels to. They love to harvest my flower bulbs and roots and eat them. I lost 2 huge hostas I discovered today. That I am not happy about. Oh I wish I could declare war on those squirrels and eradicate them from my yard.

  3. please send me a few fairies for my garden too, yours is looking lovely

  4. Cute fairy gardens and isn't it great to get outside! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  5. Sweet fairy garden. I don't know why but while I was looking at your fairy garden I thought about one of my favorite books as a child called "Zee" about a fairy and her home looked like that.

  6. Looks like you have a green thumb. Those hen and chicks are a great little plant. Thanks for sharing, Kathy!


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