
Wednesday, July 9, 2014


 "Flip Side" is a great pattern by Rachel Griffith.  
 I used it as a "stash buster" for this fun baby kwilt.   

I machine kwilted it last year but somehow 
this post got buried and never published.  

I love the modern log cabin feel...
and the soft neutral colors for any child.

Take a peek at the straight line kwilting.

FLIP SIDE (back)
I used some extra blocks vertically and stash gray FQs
giving it a modern feel. 
A reversible kwilt is always a good thing.  

What are you favorite colors right now, to use in baby kwilts?

Linking up to Let's Bee Social.
Fabric Friday Frenzy


  1. very nice, I do like the sort of half log cabin look. Re colours I cannot help it but I am always drawn to green and seem to be buying lots of small florals these days. Another quilt to add to my ever growing want to try list!

  2. great quilt. I ted to use bright primary colours for baby quilts, but that's probably because I use bright colours anyway. Someone asked me to make baby quilts in beige once. I still haven't got over the experience xxx

  3. I love Rachel Griffith patterns! I also use a lot of greens in baby quilts, unless I know the gender ahead of time. Last time I made a little boy a farm theme quilt.

  4. Stopping by from Lets Bee Social .. I love making the log Cabin its relaxing.. I have to make more baby quilts.. I have 8 grandbabies one just turned 1 m and due in Nov, you did fabulous

  5. Love this quilt. Colors are great. Found you on Let's Bee Social.
    visit me at

    I will follow you on bloglovin, would love for you to follow me back.

  6. Cute! I love straight line quilting, it adds great texture. I've been really into primary colors with a modern twist in baby quilts lately. I like how they can be gender neutral and thus more useful.

  7. Lovely colors in the quilt and the quilting is great with the blocks. I don' make baby quilts often and if I do they are usually scrap quilts and donated.

  8. Fun pattern. Hmm, some bright green paired with aqua, maybe.

  9. Ooo, such sweet colors for a baby quilt!

  10. Thank you Kathy for sharing your beautiful baby kwilt on TGIFF!


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