
Thursday, October 9, 2014


Today I celebrate the 100th birthday and a ba-zillion memories
 of the woman who gave me life,
taught me the value of a dollar 
and loved us unconditionally!

My Mom, the most beautiful woman I ever knew,
Cora Clayton 
would have turned 100 today!  

In this photo she was about my age now...early 60s
Love the gray hair  and her "styling" glasses!

Mom's 90th birthday party with me and my siblings.

She was "queen for the day" 
as more than 100 people attended her "open house" 
90th birthday party

Her is her last birthday party, she was 92...
Oh how she loved to get presents!

Mom had Alzheimers...
and then I lost her (again) in 2006.

Time does heal, but only the sweet memories 
help to fill the hole in my heart!

Miss you Mom and have a 
Happy Birthday in heaven!

If you see you Mom today...give her a hug from me!


  1. there is no one like our Mum is there. My Mum too would be 100 on 18th this month and we also lost her in 2006 when she was 92, what a small world, I am thinking of you today as you recall happier times.

  2. I'll give my mom that hug today for you. I 'm sure you miss your mom everyday, but so glad that you have the great memories to help you through.

  3. Happy 100th Birthday Mrs.Cora Clayton! May you be dancing with the angels up in heaven and smiling down at your daughter who loves and misses you. My Mama turned 84 this year, I am lucky to still have her. A big hug to you Kathy and your Mom in heaven. : )

  4. Happy Birthday to your Mom. Hugs to you today and allways my friend.

  5. Aww - Happy 100th to your mom. She rocked those cat-eyes! Seriously, I think she is the ONLY person I've seen them on that I thought they actually looked good. :D

  6. What a great post! My mamma lives far away, but I was lucky enough that when I married DH his mamma took me in and loves me just like my mamma does. My MIL is not very demonstrative, but she gives me hugs and kisses which Dh says obviously I have snuck something in her coffee.

  7. Great pics and such wonderful memories. Miss my Mom too.

  8. Kathy, What a wonderful post in honor of your mother, you are blessed to have such memories.
    Blessings and be safe.
    Huggs, Tonia

  9. Awww, such a sweet post! I can tell she was a lovely lady. And that pure white hair! I would love it if my hair went that color.

  10. I'm so glad you have such good memories of your mom! She was a lovely lady and I know you look forward to seeing her again someday! Happy Birthday Cora!

  11. Missing mine glad for memories. Blessings, marlene


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