
Monday, December 15, 2014


My recipe for "Sweet Celebrations" is a great one!
If you like orange slice candy...
then hang on to your baking sheet!

My BFF Shirley gave me this recipe a couple years ago
and it is one of my hubby's favorite cookies...any time of year. 

Look closely and you will see the little pieces of
chopped up orange slice candy in the cookies.

I remember orange slice candy back when I was growing up...
so I think it is safe to call it "vintage" 

My 2005 Cookie Party has a "Vintage" theme 
beginning with a vintage lace tablecloth on the cookie table

A vintage tree in the kitchen is FULL of vintage ornaments
and vintage toys under it. 
The curtain over the door is a vintage table cloth

I wore my Mom's apron over her house dress from the 1960s 

I asked all my friends to wear vintage aprons 

These "vintage"glamour girls wore their mink stoles!  

 "Leave it to Beaver" has got nothing on us!

I  asked the girls to wear those aprons and give them to me as my hostess gift.  
They each signed a small muslin square with their name
and the year we met...then
I made a signature kwilt with friendship stars 
using the aprons and signature squares.

"Apron Strings and Cookies" 

I will cherish this kwilt as long as there is sugar in my kitchen!


  1. what a fun time you all had and love that you have made the quilt to remember your get togethers

  2. What a treasure Kathy, thanks for sharing! I will clip the recipe too ;-)

  3. That's a great theme! So cute!! I bet that dessert table saw the most action all night. Lol!

  4. I love orange slice candies. So I know I will have to try this recipe..Love the vintage aprons ...I remember house dresses...My grand mother and great aunts wore then..Don't think they owned anything else....And those thick looking stocking hose that looked like the consistency of a ace bandage...Great ememories

  5. What a great memory for a party. Love the house dress, and the aprons. My grandmother and great grand mother always wore those. And an apron of course!

  6. What fun. Love your vintage party theme. And your cookies sound yummy too!



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