
Monday, April 13, 2015

Stitches for Charity

I am sitting at the hospital waiting for my hubby to be released 
and thought I could share some pics I took last Sunday 
at the James Stitching Sisters 11th Annual Quilt Day.   

The JSS group makes quilts for cancer patients at the 
OSU James Cancer Hospital. 
Since 2005 almost 20,000 quilts have been made 
by volunteers and distributed. 

 Kits are put together all year long and 
over 400 are available at this event for participants to sew.  
And get a look at all the vendor and volunteer donations.  
NO ONE goes home empty handed. 
Door prizes for everyone 

Some of the samples quilts from the kits
 and doorprizes.

The front table hold grand prizes 
for those who entered finished kwilts 
for the Quilts of Comfort Challenge.  
Someone wins that sewing machine 

Every year the volunteers make a raffle quilt...
king size this year!

Definitely a room with a view..

Over 200 kwilters bring their sewing machine for a great day of sewing. 

My Nationwide Insurance peeps...

And a few tops they made

Speaking of Nationwide...their real estate group provides 
the James Stitching Sisters a facility (sewing center) 
to house all their fabric, machines and everything needed 
to keep this charity going. 
Proud to say I am a retiree of Nationwide Insurance. 
They are more this just an insurance premium !

If you get a chance to sew for any charity, I hope you will.  
The reward are never ending !


  1. Wow. That is just fantastic. I really DO wish I lived closer and could join that group of hard workers.

  2. Wow that is impressive! What a great group of quilters and sponsors for a wonderful charity.


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