
Monday, January 18, 2016


From Thanksgiving to Christmas
I was sick with "the crud" for 7 weeks.  
Two rounds of antibiotics, prescription couch syrup
and a trip to the chiropractor because I coughed
so hard I threw my back OUT!

When I could must up some energy I gathered up
lots of Christmas themed Moda charm packs

My new Bernina, Ms. Nina has the Dual Feed patchwork foot
and a wonderful guide bar and I was aching to try it out!

 TIP: To find a perfect 1/4" seam - Sew 3, 1 1/2" strips together
the center piece will finish at 1"
Keep adjusting the seam allowance til you get it right!

I began sewing 2 patches - 2 light / 2 darker volume prints

built those into 4-patches

check out these seam intersections
this dual feed and patchwork guide works!

My last finish for this Christmas top
The strip on the left will be part of the backing.
I will quilt it in 2016.

Because I was so sick while making this top
I am naming it...

"Catching the Cold"

What was your last finish in 2015?


  1. So glad you are feeling better. Pretty nice quilt, bet if feels good to get back into quilting again.

  2. Glad that you are doing better! I love that seam guide you have - my next sewing machine will have to have one.

  3. Oh gosh! That's way too long to be sick, holiday time or not!
    Clever name for the quilt though :)

  4. I hope you're much better now Kathy. Your quilt looks great. I love the name you have given it.

  5. Hi Kathy! Sorry to hear your were sick but glad you're on the mend.

    Tell me about that guide you love it? It might be something I should invest in too. I'm tired of sticking post it notes and other stuff to my machine to help with the 1/4" seam.

    Take care!


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