
Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Color...(kuh-ler)  noun...
the quality of an object or substance with respect to 
light reflected by the object...visually measured by hue, 
saturation and brightness of the reflected light...

We all love color... its reflected in our clothes,
 home decor, and fabrics we pick to make our quilts!
and now I see it in skeins of yarn.  

I was photographing scarves I made during the last year...
As I looked around at my garden...
 I had an ahhh-ha moment!

A yarn bombing color experiment began!

This shawl in a variegated yarn has white, pink, purple and blues.   
The purple clematis blooms / white climbing hydrangea blooms
are definitely reflected in this shawl!  

A soft pink speckled yarn pops against the
 Black Lace Sambuka shrub and the pink flower blooms
match it perfectly.  The hosta greens below 
pull out other colorful specks in the yarn.

These "yard art" chicken's and the wire stand pick up the
 variegated gray colors of the scarf yarn.

My "Brickless" lace scarf , purple colors I absolutely love.
Same colors are abundant in the annual geranium blooms
which blanket my garden in many places.

 Kathy Guenther, knitted the next shawl for me
and she also knows the colors I love!

I think the Red Japanese Maple leaf color
pulls out the gold yarns here...

But look how the blue yarn becomes the dominant color
against the giant blue hosta! 
I love to wear this scarf with denim!

 Kathy recently gave me this beautiful skein of yarn 
for my birthday.  I would say an autumn color wave. 

I tucked it in with some flower containers with a 
variegated Croton, red and yellow begonias.
Looks like summer to me!

Another variegated "autumn color" shawl.
Placed near my faerie garden, pulls the succulent colors,
the fairies' house and my deck stain.

 I am happy to report, the mad scientist of fiber hoarding
was successful with her color experiment!
It also proves "yarn bombing" is a lot of fun!

This girl is not just a flash in a fabric isle...
she loves color everywhere!

P.S. Neighbors have not called the men in "white suits"...yet! 
Guess I'm not colorful enuf!  


  1. how well all your scarves go with your garden plants, your garden is way ahead of mine, no sign of hydrangeas flowering yet here, in fact so cold had the winter coat on yesterday. Loving the autumn woll too that will make another beautiful scarf

  2. What great pics and such a clever idea. Love it.

  3. Very fun. Beautiful work too. Isn't yarn just so gorgeous? I love a new skein. Is the first shawl called 'pretty basic'?

  4. Super fun!! Thanks for the link. All of your shawls are beautiful. I'm going to try an asymmetrical one at some point. I just need a bit more confidence in fixing's easier for me to figure out an error when the work is supposed to be identical on either side of the middle : )


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