
Friday, January 19, 2018


Yes, I know the "Economy" block is nothing new.
Actually its been around for a very long time aka
"Square in a Square" block.
When I saw the Ghastlies Moment panel...
it was a no brainer..cut and make Economy blocks.

I pulled lots of Ghaliness like the weaves and brambles
as well as some solids from my stash to find colors that work.

and the Ghastliness began!

All fabrics were cut into sizes I needed to make
LARGE Economy blocks. I like to kit up a project when I travel...or in this case
when I winter at the beach.

I made 30 blocks, one at a time and used the numbered straight pins to get them in some kinda design order.
You could chain piece blocks, especially if more scrappy.

I also press to the dark side
Press seams open if you prefer that method.
Don't be stingy with your starch...I use Best Press.

Lets take a closer look at cutting the fabrics 
for an 11" unfinished economy block.

Center Ghastlie squares are trimmed to 5 1/2" square
2, 5" squares / cut once on the diagonal (pink)   =  4 triangles  
2, 6" squares / cut once on the diagonal  (b&w) = 4 triangles

Lay the pieces out for color coordination....yep, looks good!

Its important to get the pieces lined up correctly to sew
Sew try folding all the triangles in half and press creases.

Crease the center block as well in both directions.

You can see here how easy it is 
to line up the two creases for sewing!
Line up the creases and line up the raw edges...
Sew 1/4" seam

Sew two smaller triangles to 
the top and bottom of the center block.

Trim off the dog ears on both sides.

Sew the other two pieces on remaining sides.
Trim to an 8" square.

Repeat using the larger triangles.
For a good placement see how the crease lines up with the 
intersected point of the block.

Sew triangles on opposite sides of the 8" blocks
and trim dog ears

Repeats sewing other two triangles on the remaining sides
Trim to an 11" square
You can use washi tape to mark you ruler or I have
these vinyl strips I have had for years.

And there you have it!
A very large economy block!

Often, there is no reason to re-invent the wheel.
Just google economy block sizes and you will find info..
like this cutting chart from CatBird Quilts Studio
She also has a tutorial and the math for sizing.
My 5 1/2" center square was not on this chart
sew I just guessed...and was right.

A. size of your finished block

B. size to cut your center patch

C. size to cut two interior squares; sub-cut each square on the diagonal

D. size to cut two exterior squares; sub-cut each square on the diagonal
The dimensions for C and D are oversized to allow for imperfection. You will still need to trim after these steps.
Sew here are a couple sneak peeks of my blocks.

Stay tuned because the finished
Ghastlies Economy Block Quilt top is almost done.

If you are on Instagram...follow me there too!

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