
Wednesday, March 21, 2018


I am a member of the Central Ohio MQG.  
A very busy group of wonderful quilters, sewists 
and creative spirits.

I am wintering at the beach, but wanted to be involved in our
2018 Color Challenge and the 2018 Charity event.
No problem, they mailed me the two color swatches...
Pantone Ultra Violet and Kona Tiger Lily.  
After a quick stop at a LQS I found these coordinating fabrics!

I really wasn't sure what I wanted to make...
sew as usual, I waited.

COMQG announced the Charity effort for 2018
Place mats for "Meals on Wheels" charity

My own mother received meals from this group
for many years...into her 90s so she could maintain
her independence and dignity! Needless to say
a very special place in my heart for this effort.

I had an ahh-haaaa moment!
Use the color challenge fabrics for the place mat.

I began buy making some HST using the technique
to make 8 HST at once.
Just google it.  There are many videos and tutorials!

Sew it starts like this...
The Tiger Lilly and Ultra Violet 6" squares
are placed RST, mark diagonal lines, and sew 1/4" 
on each sides of those diagonal lines. 

and they end like this...
squared them up using my BlocLoc Ruler

I made a pinwheel, using 4 of the HST
  added fabric to the top and bottom of that unit to make
the first strip for the place mat.

The orange and white would be the back of the place mat

Pieced together some batting, that was on hand.
(remember I am at the beach with limited supplies)
And then the fun began for a Quilt as You Go (QAYG) place mat.

My QAYG tutorial is here for a fun wonky place mat.

I added the first pieced strip, right side up (RSU)

Keep placing strips right sides together (RST) and sew 1/4" seams

I like to press each seam as it is sewn.
You can see here I am alternating my prints.

When all strips are sewn...
it's time to trim and square it up.

Still needs a little more squaring up.
When one does not have a larger surface to trim...
it can be a challenge to square up.

Here's a close up of the back..
the piece is quilted because of the QAYG technique

and now its all completed

Sew this was fun!
I met the requirements for two challenges with one project!
And the best part...I can, once again, pay it forward!


  1. Lovely project! I love these colors together. Lots of contrast and a cheery color scheme for the recipient.

  2. Great idea to brighten a shut-ins day.
    I thought of you one day last week. I was at Tennessee QuiltFest in Pigeon Forge. I saw a Ghastlie zipper pouch in one of the vendor booths!!!


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