
Friday, March 12, 2021

2020 Mystery Quilt

Sometimes I get behind in my blog posts.
Regardless, I try to post interesting projects.
  I am glad you are following me
and it is really nice when someone comments.
I don't feel so alone out here!  

Sew in catching up.....
The Columbus Modern Quilters had another fun
Mystery Quilt Challenge for 2020.

I selected ALL the fabrics from my stash.
Several FQs in Orange, Mustard
with a White Grunge accent and a gray background.

I always challenge myself to use my stash
and figure out where to put the same colors
of different prints in the design.
You see, you won't know where the fabrics
will actually be in the "quilt design"
when you are making the blocks.
The first couple clues gave us fabric amounts
and cutting instructions. I label everything and 
make a fabric card to help me pull the 
correct fabrics for the blocks, once I began sewing.

There were lots of HTS pieces left over.
Some people would keep these or use them...not me.

 The next clue made Economy Blocks aka Square in a Square.

Then we made 32 House Blocks

That looked like a village!

The next clue had us sew Flying Geese, full geese and half geese.
Somehow I have deleted that photo.

And when all pieces were assembled....
THIS is the entire block.

The last clue was the actual layout design.
Thank goodness...I would not have figured this out.
I have a good size  design board
and sticky notes helped keep my rows in order.

  I sewed them all together and really love this design.
Here I was expecting some kinda design with "HOUSES'
cause all those HOUSE blocks.

Backing was next.  I searched my stash and found this fabric
that I had tried to destash several times!

It's A Stitch in Color by Malka Dubrowsky
for MODA.  A batik looking design 
that lends itself to more folklore patterns.

Not quite enough to cover the entire back, but
I like to mix things up in my backings.
I made the center strip with several solid grays.

I added a small border to the top, in the gray background color,
allowing the top to float.
Stay tuned for the post about the finish1

I have to quilt this one, after my winter at the beach.

If you would like to see the other 2020 mystery quilts
done by member in our guild

WADO (thank you in Cherokee) for stopping by!


  1. That's beautiful and interesting!

  2. So terrific- your steps are impressive. I’ve never done a mystery quilt- I feel it would cause anxiety fit me. You make it look fun! What did you mean abou not using the leftover HST’s? Dont you save them somehow?


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