
Friday, November 27, 2020


I had a plan to make this for someone's baby
but found a quilt already made, that was perfect.

Still, I finished the quilt and will hold it for
a future baby.  It has all the makings of a wonderful
gender neutral quilt.  All the fabrics are from my stash.

I decided to make a disappearing 9-patch.
Make a 9-patch block

then the 9-patch disappears
when you cut those blocks into 4ths,
flip them around and sew back together.

I love having custom labels to attach to my quilts.
My name, my business name and the year the quilt is made. 

I had some pieces left over so
I made a horizontal strip to put in the backing.

It turned out so great and I am
ahead on the possibility of gifting this
to a new baby!


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