
Saturday, July 31, 2021


I was recently involved with a lovely quilt show.
My BFF, Shirley Haller, lives in Evansville, IN and
for the lasts 2 years she planned, coordinated and executed the show.
ALL THAT during COVID and battling BREAST CANCER !

It wasn’t JUST a quilt show!
The St. Boniface Parish Quilters in Evansville
have members from the 3 Catholic Churches.
This show was held at Sacred Heart Parish.

A highlight of the show was a Quilts of Valor with a
special ceremony to present Veterans of War Recipients.
The quilters did a lovely job making, presenting 
honoring local recipients.

Every pew was covered!

A view from the balcony above was breathtaking. 

View from the front to the back of the church.

View from the back to front of the church.

Shirley asked me to bring some Modern quilts for this Traditional Show.
They played well with all the traditional quilts! 
Here is my PLUS + design and Modern Pumpkins

Wonky Crosses and Churn Dash had their space too!

All behaving well and holding their own !

 It was a privilege to be included in this show, inside a beautiful church,
alongside 100 other traditional quilted beauties. 

This lady right here, Shirley, is so inspirational...
besides my bestie for over 60 years!

Thank you Shirley for including me!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


I love Quilts in the Wild...
especially mine!

Dawes Arboretum near Newark, OH is a beautiful garden.

And they happen to have frogs, dancing in the park!

Frogs practicing mediation by the water.

Frogs tending to the garden plants.

I could hear some blue grass music!

And who doesn't like a game of LEAP FROG?

But I had the most fun...finding the photo opps for my 
Wonky Crosses quilt made with Zen Chic COMMA fabrics

Sew...if you think you might want to enjoy the great outdoors...
this 24 FROG installation called 'RIBBIT The EXHIBIT'
by Artist J A COBB will be
hopping thru the park til September 8, 2021

My quilt will be gone...but this place is certainly worth the visit.
$10 entrance fee helps keep the garden beautiful
and allows for these wonderful exhibits to happen!

Thursday, July 22, 2021


Have you seen the trendy BAKING BOAS?
I received this one for Christmas last year
from my partner in crimes of fabric, yarn, travel and wine. 
Kathy Guenther! 
She also knows I am a Christmas Baking fool.

I just love it!  
She found this one at Lehman’s in Oho Amish Country.

Many specialty / botique type stores carry these in many themes. 
Calahans in Calabash, NC had these Nautical BOAs
The store BOAs are made of the thinner, flatter cotton towels and 
it looks like they have 2 towels per BOA.
Retail costs between $20-$25 

I knew I could make these as gifts!
After Christmas last year 
I bought lots of Christmas kitchen towel sets on the CHEAP! 
So each set of 2 towels, made 2 BOAs!
I only used one towel per BOA.
My supplies were less than $5 per BOA!

I made a mock up…sew easy! 
My towels were the thicker fluffy towels.
TIP! Buy towels with images on the ends in opposite direction)

I used one kitchen towel cut in half at the center.
These two pieces become the ends of the BOA.
Cut BOA neck piece, 9” x WOF. 
Press 1/2 “ on each end WST, on the RS secure the hem by sewing on ric rack.
Fold neck piece RST sew 1/4” seam to create a tube, turn right side out, press.
Fold the towel ends into a couple pleats to fit inside the tube.
Sew across the top of the pleats 1/4” before tucking into tube.
Tuck into tube about 1/2,  sew across ric rack to secure in place.
This part will be thick..use a jeans needle and adjust the pressure foot, 
if your machine has that option. 
You can add a top stitch around the BOA neck piece, if you like. 
That’s it. 

Turned out sew cute. 
And if you don’t  like aprons…it’s perfect for kitchen tasks!
Towels at your finger tips as needed!

I had lots of Christmas fabrics but needed a bit more.
Sale fabric at a local big box store is fine.

I also bought all the ric rack in sale for $1 each
I added ric rack to the bottom of the towel an extra pop. 
See finished BOAs

I made 14 BAKING BOAs.  One has been gifted already.
The rest will be gifts during the holiday season. 
They will go with some kind of baked goods. 

I love Christmas in July sewing!
How about you!