
Saturday, July 31, 2021


I was recently involved with a lovely quilt show.
My BFF, Shirley Haller, lives in Evansville, IN and
for the lasts 2 years she planned, coordinated and executed the show.
ALL THAT during COVID and battling BREAST CANCER !

It wasn’t JUST a quilt show!
The St. Boniface Parish Quilters in Evansville
have members from the 3 Catholic Churches.
This show was held at Sacred Heart Parish.

A highlight of the show was a Quilts of Valor with a
special ceremony to present Veterans of War Recipients.
The quilters did a lovely job making, presenting 
honoring local recipients.

Every pew was covered!

A view from the balcony above was breathtaking. 

View from the front to the back of the church.

View from the back to front of the church.

Shirley asked me to bring some Modern quilts for this Traditional Show.
They played well with all the traditional quilts! 
Here is my PLUS + design and Modern Pumpkins

Wonky Crosses and Churn Dash had their space too!

All behaving well and holding their own !

 It was a privilege to be included in this show, inside a beautiful church,
alongside 100 other traditional quilted beauties. 

This lady right here, Shirley, is so inspirational...
besides my bestie for over 60 years!

Thank you Shirley for including me!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, just look at all those beauties. What a great way to display them.


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