
Friday, June 21, 2013

A "Charming" Mail Call

Stacey over at The Tilted Quilt recently organized a
"Rainbow" Charm Swap.   

Stacey assigned each of us a color in the rainbow.
We cut our charms and sent them to her in
a postage paid, self addressed envelope

I am sooooooooooooooo excited.
My charms arrived in the mail yesterday!

This gets least from my "stash" view.
The Columbus Modern Quilt Guild
did a swap earlier this year.
We swapped 2 1/2" strips of modern fabric.
I have 40 strips!!!

Toss them all together and OMG!!!
My hands were shaking, my mouth was watering.
I didn't know if I should sew or have a cocktail!

Looking for ideas or a pattern to use up all this 

But before you go...I want to remind you
It's Friday and the "Let's Get Acquainted Blog Hop"
sponsored by Plum and June is in full swing.

Here are today's bloggers...

Leigh Anne @ Ella's Cottage
Stacey @ The Tilted Quilt
Sarah @ Quilt Candy
Jackie @ NW Patchwork
Erica @ Happy Fabric
Stephanie @ Simple Sewendipity
Lauren @ Seraphym

Now, where did I put that bottle of wine?


  1. I vote for the cocktail first...or two then start sewing:)......hey wait I might want to come over and join you.

  2. I LOVE it! One of my favorite parts of quilting/sewing is just staring at my fabric and thinking of the possibilities. They are endless. I cannot wait to see what you come up with :)

  3. You have some beauties in your midst! Enjoy!

  4. Oooh now look at all that gorgeous eye candy...I saw drink some coctails...roll around in it naked then sew it teasing...I think i woul djust stare at it drool feel it and start all over again. I had to cave and have a Margarita while ago. I figured after all the stress in my life for the past 2 months and then this doosey of a week I have had why not go far it and that I did . But only one and wow it took the edge off and relaxed me...And thank goodness I drank it. Hubby went to see the insurance people today and they told him all the same old stuff I learned this week and He got no where.

  5. Wow![ what a bunch of color fun. I bet you had the drink while sewing or you will when you decide what you're going to make.


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