
Monday, June 17, 2013


Today I'm working on kwilt labels...
It's gonna take me more than a day cause 
I'm really bad about labeling kwilts I make and keep. 


Left stack - MY KWILTS     Right stack - HEIRLOOMS

You can buy pre-made labels and write in the information with permanent ink, 
order custom labels on line, 
but I usually just make mine using "ink jet" printable fabrics.
There are many brands so just look for "ink jet" fabric packages.  
I like to set up 4 to page.  Change ink colors, relevant info. 

 I add a border to coordinate with the kwilt or backing
TIP**  "Used" fabric dryer sheets for the label back
and hand stitch them on.  

The most unique label I ever did was on a baby kwilt.
Daddy (a romantic) wanted a unique gift to give his wife, 
recently pregnant, for their 1st wedding anniversary.  
I had a brain storm and he had the perfect photo!

This kwilt label was the highlight of the 
kwilt titled "In the Beginning"
and included the sonogram image of the baby.
A picture is worth a thousand words...

Mommy cried when she received the kwilt!

If the kwilt is a gift or in my Etsy shop I include a "corner label" with wash/dry instructions, sewn to the kwilt before binding. 

A label doesn't have to be elaborate but all those stitches you put into that quilt...
deserves some history.  
At least try and include.. 
Kwilt name, year made  
(if a gift - recipient name, giver's name)
name of who pieced and kwilted it.

Hope you week is "labeled" full of Kwilty Pleasures.  


  1. very nice, thanks for the info

  2. Great post Kathy! Full of good info - especially for those of us who are really, really bad about not making labels! :*) Did you make the "care instructions" labels or order them somewhere? Thanks for the tips!

  3. I so need to start doing this. Thans for the info on the printable fabrics.

  4. My quilts pile up too before I finally sit down and do the labels. Good job!!!

  5. Your labels look great! I like the idea of printing them :)

  6. Your labels look great! I really need to sort out some labels, i've NEVER labelled one of my quilts! :o)

  7. These are so fancy! I have a label with my name that goes on every quilt but I like the detail of yours!

  8. visiting from finish it up friday. Wow that is the most enormous pile of quilts to label. You have been busy


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