A Woodland Wonderland.
These pictures are from 20 years ago...
some plants haven't made it...but its the memories
that matter to me now!

1. Pergola with climbing Hydrangeas  2. Climbing Hydrangeas with Clematis  3. Birdbath, Solomons Seal, Hostas, Painted Ferns and  Japanese Maple, Woodland potting bench  4. Woodland potting bench

Certified Wildlife Garden
1.  Azaleas  2, Climbing Hydrangea with Jakamani Clematis 3. Secret Garden  4. Wildlife Habitat Certification Sign

Hostas, Ferns, and Climbing Plants
Thru the years gardens change.  Deer feast and plants die.
These photos are early years, however some plants remain.

1 & 2  Deck bed with hostas/ferns and Climbing Hydrangea  
3 & 4  Pergola view of hydrangea and clemitis

Local TV reports Backyard Weather in Garden
The Gordon Garden's "15 minutes of Fame" 
in 2005 Local Weatherman, Mike Davis and Channel 10 TV
held a contest for a "Backyard Weather Broadcast"
I emailed photos and my garden was selected.
1.  Kathy, Mike and Phil 2.  Crew setting up 3. Mike broadcasting while sitting on my Pergola 5) Crew setting up

Beautiful Blooms
A favorite spot in the garden
just grows bigger and more beautiful each year!
Jackamani Clemetis and a climbing hydrangea
on a trellis with a rusted "Welcome"!

Faerie Gardens Were a Magical Placce
Garden Faeries come at dawn
Bless the flowers then they're gone.
~Author Unknown

I made the hypertufa troughs and many of the
mushrooms peeking thru the plants. 
Mini hostas fill the fairie landscapes


  1. You have fairy gardens! I just acquired some pieces to build one in the window well for my daughter so when she's home from college, she won't have a yucky hole-in-the-back-of-the-cave basement room. Need to get the well capped first, though.

  2. Wonderful garden!I'm hosta lover too.

  3. I love your gardens, such a dreamy place. I am still developing mine.

  4. Gorgeous Gordon Gardens! With Mike Davis there, that must mean you are in the Columbus area! I'm a neighbor to the SE (60 miles) in Hocking County:)

  5. Just beautiful! Bet you can't wait for spring, I'm itching to get in the dirt as well but my garden isn't any where as nice as yours. Thanks for stopping by my blog - you guessed right on stonehedge - thank you

  6. Your garden is breathtaking. Mine is close, but have a few more years to establish itself. Clematis is one of my favorites. (Oh, who am I kidding I love them all!). Hydrangea don't do we'll in our zone, but oh I wish they did. Thanks for following my blog. :)

  7. Your garden is beautiful! How fun to have the weatherman over. I'm so glad you included this page in your blog.


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