One of my goals for 2018 is to use a lot of my scraps!
Lets be honest...I doubt I finish this in 2018!
Lets be honest...I doubt I finish this in 2018!
I have been saving 2 1/2" strips for years.
My friend, Andrea Aldredge hosted a Sew Along on Instagram
for Scrappy Trip Around the World.
It got me started...but I knew I would not finish
the blocks in time to win any prizes.
My personal prize...get the blocks started!
the blocks in time to win any prizes.
My personal prize...get the blocks started!
I decided this green, small print fabric by Jenni Calo
would be my accent fabric in each block.
I like a little structure to my chaos.
Sewing it in the first position of all the strip sets will
give the eyes a place to rest...once all the blocks are done.
would be my accent fabric in each block.
I like a little structure to my chaos.
Sewing it in the first position of all the strip sets will
give the eyes a place to rest...once all the blocks are done.
My 2 1/2" scrappy strip pieces were cut at 16"
I got two from each of my "hoarded" strips.
I also cut 2 1/2" squares and set those aside.
(those will be another project)
(those will be another project)
Scrappy Strip Sets have 6 strips.
Except for the first "green strip"
Except for the first "green strip"
I randomly pulled strips from my stash to make each set.
The hardest part of this design (for me) is
letting the scraps be scraps.
I pressed and cut my strip sets for final sewing.
See the green strip is the first strip in each set.

Once cut and sewn into the final
trip around the world block...
The green fabric goes down the center
of the block at an angle.
See the green strip is the first strip in each set.
Once cut and sewn into the final
trip around the world block...
The green fabric goes down the center
of the block at an angle.
I need to work on getting these all sewn and make the top.
For now they remain a very happy WIP!
They may or may not be finished in 2018
but at least the trip has begun!
They may or may not be finished in 2018
but at least the trip has begun!