This is the 3rd Quilt Show I have attended
while snowbirding.
Naples Quilt Guild Show
"Stitches In Time"
Mostly Modern Designs.
Take away borders and add fabrics other than batiks
and many would feel more modern.
Comments here are just my humble opinion.
'Thoroughly Modern Kate'
Pattern: Axis by Craftsy
Maker, Judy Kauckham
I loved this design and colors!
The quilting is fabulous!
My Viewers Choice Vote

'A New Day'
Pattern: 2010 Quilters Newsletter
by Reale and Chole Anderson
Maker: Linda Biondino
'Labyrinth Walk"
Pattern: Labyrinth? Details n/a
Maker" Shirley Cook
I don't really care for this one but it looked
like a traditional quilt screaming to be set free!
Original paper piece design
Maker: Joyce Grande
I think I saw this in another show.
I am pretty sure people here belong to more
than one guild.
' Fancy Forest"
Pattern by Elizabeth Hartman
Maker: Laura Stacell
I made one owl from this pattern
and several other Elizabeth Hartman patterns.
Although her designs are cute
her directions are not.
'Swans on Fassett Pond'
Pattern: Swans by Elizabeth Hartman
Maker: Nancy Swezey
'Happiness is Like a Butterfly'
Pattern: Tula Pink
Maker: Silvia Merz-Horn
(I was really surprized to see this one)
The next 3 quilts are Pineapple blocks
and begs to say - yes there was a class held locally!
'Tropical Piineapple'
Maker: Shirley Cook
These vibrant colors in the pineapples
were my fav. I could do without a border
but at least it was interesting.
'Pineapple in Blue and White'
Pattern by Freddy Moran
Maker: Peggy Johnson
'Pineapple Pizazz'
Maker: Nancy Swezey
A couple bird quilts caught my attention
'Birds in Flight'
Bird blocks, impromptu pattern
Maker: Jane Merkel and Kathy Heystee
'Chatter in the Orange Grove'
Patterns combined: Feathers and Strip to Shore
Maker: Judy Bauckham
Black, White and Red designs always reel me in.
Its' the BUCKEYE girl in me.
A traditional Design with an efffort to be modern.
I think the scrappy design feels like improv
vs template cutting?
'Scrappy Day'
Scrap Crazy 6" templates
Maker: Catherine latimer
Kaffe Fasset fabrics were found in many quilts in these
southern Florida Shows. That fabric is a bit to buzy for me.
Pattern: n/a but techniques was randomly pulling fabrics
out of a bag to make the blocks.
Maker: Nancy Swezey
The vertical straight line quilting is modern.
I immediately recognized these blocks
as "Glitter" blocks. My friend Rita Minamyer
is hand piecing them and share them on FB often.
And all batiks...lotta batik quilts here in the south as well.
Not really modern but yet, here they are!
"What is the Point'
Pattern: Glitter by Jen Kingwell
Maker: Pat Walrath
Pattern: Daybreak by Jaybird Quilts
Maker: Donna Shirley
Beautiful quilting on this to highlight each block design.
'Hanging Garden'
Kay Buffington class - Pattern n/a
Maker: Catherine Latimer
Batiks...meh, but the design was good.
This was a Interpretive Art Quilt
I saw this fabric panel in several quilts and a tote bag.
'Modern Windows with One Step of Tradition'
Jean Wells Improv Workshop
Maker: Carrol Petroske