I drank the Koolaid and have entered the world of
I love blogging sew that's not gonna change...
but IG has some addictive qualities that include
Making lots of new creative "friends"
"Inspiration" that flows like cocktails at a party
Quick "answers" for questions
"Selling" fabric from my stash
"Buying" fabric I've been looking for!
"Buying" fabric I've been looking for!
Addictive "SWAPS"
I am SEW enjoying these swaps!!!
@artsofcraftiness hosted a #handmadeornamentswap
Swap mamas (hostesses) have an on-line form to fill out.
Each swap has an identifying #hashtag
to use in your posting and provides a picture repository of awesomeness!

My partner @seydonnamade
said she like Sugar Skulls and Russian doll ornaments.
I made a stack of em.

They were happily received.
Sey's little girl just full of sweetness!

My handmade ornament swap package from
@mdreedy3 - was incredible.
I guess I need to step it up at bit-learning as I go!
I received a stuffed owl, mug rug and several ornaments
including cross-stitched ones!
As well as some candy..for my sweet tooth!
Thank you Michelle!

The next swap I'm in is due in January
IT IS NOT for the faint of heart!
I gettin my bitch on!
sponsored by @weenchaweena

@artsofcraftiness hosted a #handmadeornamentswap
Swap mamas (hostesses) have an on-line form to fill out.
Each swap has an identifying #hashtag
to use in your posting and provides a picture repository of awesomeness!

My partner @seydonnamade
said she like Sugar Skulls and Russian doll ornaments.
I made a stack of em.

They were happily received.
Sey's little girl just full of sweetness!

My handmade ornament swap package from
@mdreedy3 - was incredible.
I guess I need to step it up at bit-learning as I go!
I received a stuffed owl, mug rug and several ornaments
including cross-stitched ones!
As well as some candy..for my sweet tooth!
Thank you Michelle!

The next swap I'm in is due in January
IT IS NOT for the faint of heart!
I gettin my bitch on!
sponsored by @weenchaweena

Well hell yes! Over 200 participants
"who say what they mean and mean what they say"
Guess where you'll find me!
My partner's main "bitch" project is done.
I appliqued vinyl tape measure to the project
making it very foulmouthed.
Up next...
This is one of the first swaps I saw when I joined IG.
Round 2 was "wrapping up"
I was enamored by all the beautiful mini kwilts
folks were making and sending.
I have the mini top done using some of my
fab.u.lous Lotta Jansdotter!
Here's a sneak peak.
fab.u.lous Lotta Jansdotter!
Here's a sneak peak.
One more swap for now... all about totes!
@m3_quilts is co hosting...
I met Brandi during my Ghastlies swap.
I didn't hesitate to jump on this bandwagon!
I met Brandi during my Ghastlies swap.
I didn't hesitate to jump on this bandwagon!
Another cool thing is about swaps..
Inspirational Collages
Here's mine for the #IGtoteswap
Gives your partner ideas of your colors and style.
Send me your IG handle should you join!
I'm @kwiltypleasures

I'll be looking for ya!