Just when I thought I might go POSTAL...
look what the mailman delivered today.
The just released line of RUSH HOUR fabric from StudioE.
17 beautiful FQs in Red, Black, Gray and White
This IS my favorite color combo, as an Ohio State Buckeye fan,
who bleeds scarlet and gray!
Many thanks to Scott Fortunoff at StudioE for selecting me
as 1 of 10 participants who will receive this fabric
to make their projects for....
And thanks to Madam Samm at Sew We Quilt
for pulling this opportunity all together
and Carol at Just Let Me Quilt for cheering us on!

I am honored and hope my creative juices
will get me thru the next few weeks to get my project done!
Speaking of Good Karma
...it doesn't get much better than this!
On my post yesterday, I have a good karma giveaway
Make sure to stop back on August 1st
I have another BIG announcement
that has me shaking in my GHASTLIES SHOES!
Linking up to Let's Bee Social. And Sew Cute Tuesday
Fabric Friday Frenzy
Click icons on side bar!