The IRIS quilt top by Erica Jackman,
Kitchen Table Quilting, is done.
I selected Cosmo Cricket, circa 1934 jelly roll
I also had 2 charm packs that will go into the backing.
Cutting was quick and easy
Sewing the units was quick and easy.
Sewing the sashing was easy
Then easy stopped, at least for me.
The layout diagram was weird.
Every row had a different length.
Here it is laid out on my floor
Nothing was quick or easy
about sewing the top together.
I made a few mistakes in the lineup
and had to unsew....I hate when that happens.
Once sewn, it had to be trimmed it into a rectangle.
Well I just prayed the diagonal cuts
would work out.
It may not be cut exactly perfect,
but there is no harm in leaving some wiggle room
for a trim after it is quilted.
I took a few pics of the flimsy in my garden
and it has started to "grow" on me again.
Its funny how the colors in my garden and quilts
seem to align.
I like the way it looks.
I did NOT like the sewing process.

This top has landed in my pile of UFOs...
cause every quilter needs UFOs!
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