Wednesday, April 24, 2024


QuiltCon 2024 was 
a showcase of quilty upcycled and handmade 
quilted coats and denim jackets.

My bestie and travel companion, Kim Hensley
bought a cute quilted denim jacket at a local made event
before we went.

Sew that meant....I had to try and make one!
I found this denim jacket at a thrift shop for $5.00

I found a baby quilt for $3.00 

ahhh this would become the jacket sleeves

Sew the sleeves were cut out of the jacket and
I used them as a pattern to cut the new "quilted sleeves" for my jacket.
NOTE: cut the quilted fabric a bit larger than the pattern
so the sleeves won't be too tight!

I added length to the sleeve pattern, to add some denim for the cuffs.
I should have added width as they were a bit tight
Due to the quilted sleeve fabric is thicker than denim

And this was my final result!


While at QuiltCon I did some a few demin jackets I enjoyed!
I am wearing  green denim  Ghastlies and 
my Ghasttlies soul sister is in blue denim. 

This cutrer quilt was only $3 quilt and
denim jackets are always lurking.

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