Sometime churning isn't all that good.
OK I love a churn dash.
I had a really cool Churn Dash pattern named Churning 14
I love winning free fabric!
Shine On by Sharon Holland Designs by Art Gallery Fabrics.
One would think all is right with the quilting world?
I began sewing the blocks and I missed the entire BIG
mistake here. I have made a ga-zillion Churn Dash Blocks
but this time I had the wrong fabric in the center.
My head was not in my sewing room!
Of course, I had to unsew all the mistakes.
and begin again.
Notice these teeny tiny 4" blocks!
In my 72 years of life experience
NOTHING 4" in size has ever been fun!
Medium and Large block
were easy enuf to finish quickly.

All the blocks and on the design wall
became a nightmare of sorts.
I couldn't get my head around the
STEER HEAD fabric!
Especially the mustard gold background.
I took those fabrics OUT
and moved things around
into manageable sections.
And sewed them all together.
OK now I like the look.
But I don't like the quilt top!
The fabrics were never my colors
or designs.
What does one do now!
The Perry County Sewcial Club
has a lot of charity efforts
and this top went to Megan McCord
to use as she sees fit.
I know it will go to someone who
will love and cherish it!
And NOW all is right with the quilting world!
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