Sunday, December 20, 2020


My modern quilting group,
The Columbus Modern Quilters
recently had an on-line reveal of our 2020 Mystery Quilt

We received a total of 7 Clues.
The last was the layout of this top.
I grabbed some screen shots.
(photos by quilters, power point by Leigh Morgan)

This is my Mystery Quilt.
My hubby thinks it looks like a Native American design.
I'll go with that....when deciding the name.
I plan to quilt this one in 2021.

Rachel never disappoints with her work.
There were lots of little HTS left over from
one of the blocks...they ended up in the backing.

Leslie brought some beautiful colors to the cutting table.
We had an option for borders, 1, 2 or none.
She used a white for the small border and a pink batik
that matches the inside squares of the stars.

Heather showed us how a vibrant background
makes her design shine.  Just like her little girl.

Tami gave us a softer look and used
slub canvas fabrics.

I wish more finishes were available to see.
2021 will get us back together, meeting in person.
I will guess that first meeting might be an
entire day of "show n tell"
Wouldn't that be wonderful!

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